Our Mission
Improving Lives through Quality Care
Comforting healthcare is dedicated to providing quality healthcare to our clients and ensuring comfort, dignity, excellence, justice, compassion and with respect of all our multicultural clients and their families. We have a dedicated team of health care professionals who are backed by experience and education. As a care provider, we consider it our duty to make sure that the staff we employ share our care philosophy and have reliable backgrounds. This is an assurance of the safety and well-being of our clients. You are like a family to us – we protect your well-being.
our focus
What We Offer

Personalised Care

Improve quality of life

Provide a person-centred approach to complex healthcare

Contact Us
Landline 0113 4182801
Landline 0113 2443857
Mobile 0749 5596 848
Click here to send us a message via our website
Opening Hours
Office hours are Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. Offices are closed on Saturdays and Sundays. Our lines are open 24 HOURS a day, 7 DAYS a week, ALL YEAR round, so you can be REST-ASSURED to reach us anytime!