0113 4182801 / 0113 2443857 / 0749 5596 848 info@comfortinghealthcare.co.uk




My Story

My name is Roy, and this is my story…

I went into Leeds city centre, which was my usual shopping trip, did the usual parked the car, did my shopping and returned to my car to make my way home. I exited from the car park and got to the junction it was then I could not remember which way to turn whether to go right, left or go forward I sat there my mind was a blank. I heard a car horn that spurred me and realised that there was traffic behind me, at that moment from no choice and fear I proceeded just to drive I just drove and parked where I could. I sat there for what seemed like about half an hour when there was a knock on the car window it was a policeman telling me to move on as I was illegally parked on double yellow lines, at that moment I managed to come back to reality and drive home.

Once at home all my thoughts were on what had happened to me, at that moment there was a recollection, my mother, she had dementia it was as though the penny had dropped, was this happening to me… I contacted my GP explained what had happened to me and my family history, went for my tests. While I waited for the results, I was apprehensive and anxious, got my result it was “the beginning of DEMENTIA”

It took me some time, I needed to speak to work never mind my friends, I had been diagnosed with dementia I felt this was degrading.

My World Changed.

I had to make some decisions quite quickly, firstly having spoken to the directors I handed in my resignation they offered me a position office based which I did for six months but I couldn’t face it as I was constantly thinking I was useless. The hardest thing of all was when I had to make decision to hand my driving license in and sell my car, I did not feel safe on the roads anymore my thoughts were what if I hurt someone, it is reminder of my condition every day as it’s the one thing that has impacted as a loss to my independence.

A very close friend of mine suggested that I needed some professional help and support on a personal level. She helped every step of the way to ensure I had everything in order including finding a suitable and professional care company. At first, I was very reluctant as I felt I didn’t need it but she saw what I couldn’t. It didn’t take long after Comforting Healthcare started that I realised that I seriously needed the help and advice.

I must congratulate Comforting Healthcare in being able to stabilise my outlooks and well-being. I am now looking forward to a happier future knowing and understanding that although my dementia will progress, I can approach this with a more positive attitude. For the first time in a long time, I feel as though I can be myself again taking each day as it comes. One of the most considerate things that Comforting Healthcare has done for me was to take me back to my hometown of Boston in Lincolnshire for the day this was to allow me to reminisce before the progression of the dementia took hold as each day is a blessing.

My Story

Kahlan’s Story and Testimony.

I used to be a management consultant for small businesses before I was diagnosed with my illness 10 – 15 years ago, functional neurologic disorder which started at my feet but has now worked up to the head. I have arthritis since the age of 18 and central nervous system.
You want to know how I am doing? well, my legs are a bit sore otherwise, fine thanks
Never Alone..
I have been with Comforting Healthcare for over a year in which I get care visits from them up to three times a day 7 days a week. When I call the office, they never let me feel uneasy I have called them twice about small changes and, on both occasions, they were sorted straight away including supporting me with advice in things I needed to do. This made me feel empowered, not fobbing me off, know you have been heard that all you get, they are brilliant.
Then there are the Carers, they are utterly amazing on a basic level weather you like your food cold or hot, been a real lifeline all the year in lockdown, they help keep laughter happening in my house, they have stopped my house from being a depressive soap for me.
We live in such dithering times, missing family, missing hugs even telling someone to shove off, my carers help keep the fragment from breaking up. Just by caring is enough, they understand me and have learnt how to accommodate me and my illness just by allowing me to have that 15mins extra
to lay in bed which allows me time to pull myself together, to know when jokes are on or off and just
noticing when I do not feel good. With lunch and dinner, I have learnt that there is always time for a side dish off humor. It is the short sentence, bless you where I know to simply end the conversation, bless you is the best for all passing it on, the best addition to my lockdown world, these words remind me I am truly not alone, blessing on you all.

At Comforting Healthcare, we supply specially trained and selected Healthcare Support Workers to deliver a robust person-centred care plan in your specified setting, be it at home or in hospital.


Joan's Daughter

We are currently receiving up to 3 calls a day, my mum is end of life care. The carers are outstanding, I work in the business  and I couldn't ask for more compassion and understanding to mums needs. All the staff are lovely and friendly , my mum can be feeling really down but has a smile on her face when they leave, they have made a positive impact to her last remaining time she as left with us.

"Thank you so much to all the team you do amazing job"


Comforting Healthcare have been providing wonderful and professional support for our
aging housebound relatives for more than a year. We live more than fifty miles away and
because of our health problems and Covid have been unable to visit. We consider
Comforting Healthcare to be members of our extended family and are happy to
unreservedly recommend their services.


Comforting Health Care has been attending to my wife's personal needs for nigh on three years I have always found their staff to be professional, respectful and so full of life. I myself have come to look upon them as friends, on my respite breaks I can go safe in the knowledge that she is in very safe and capable hands. In summing up prospective clients should have no concerns about their loved one's care.


I have been with Comforting Healthcare for over a year in which I get care visits from them up to three times a day 7 days a week. When I call the office, they never let me feel uneasy I have called them twice about small changes and, on both occasions, they were sorted straight away including supporting me with advice in things I needed to do


My domestic help carer is very friendly and puts me at ease, she is very efficient, she is thorough, exceptionally reliable. We always have a chat about day-to-day things I can ask her about anything she is vey adaptable and forth coming, we are able to have a laugh and a chat that is quite important really. Overall, I am incredibly happy with her. I have no problems requesting any requirements from the Supervisor or the Company Manager herself, I do not feel uneasy. I think it important how you keep in touch on a weekly basis, it fits in with the Company, it is a very caring company one. I do feel confident that in the future if I can do less it, its not a problem because I have you guys, it quite a relief. Your help gives me time and freedom to Care for my Mum.

Contact Us

Landline 0113 4182801
Landline 0113 2443857
Mobile 0749 5596 848

Click here to send us a message via our website

Opening Hours

Office hours are Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. Offices are closed on Saturdays and Sundays. Our lines are open 24 HOURS a day, 7 DAYS a week, ALL YEAR round, so you can be REST-ASSURED to reach us anytime!